Experience top-notch dental fillings in Huntington Beach. At Kali Dental, we offer quality treatment tailored to your budget. Ensure your smile's health without breaking the bank.
Restore your cracked and damaged teeth with dental crowns, which are tooth-shaped "caps" that protect your tooth's natural root and revitalize the function of your bite. As one of the most versatile restorative dental procedures, dental crowns can also be used to cover up a tooth after receiving a root canal or to cap a dental implant. Since dental crowns can be made from many materials, they are ideal for a variety of restorative and cosmetic applications, so you can smile with confidence.
If you're missing a tooth or need an extraction, it's crucial to discover the ideal replacement to restore your smile. Dental implants, offered by Kali Dental, located in Huntington Beach, CA, excel in rejuvenating the appearance of your smile, enhancing the functionality of your bite, and preserving your overall oral health. By replicating the natural roots of your tooth, dental implants stand out as the most secure and durable tooth replacement option, effectively halting the progression of bone loss. Contact us today to explore if dental implants by Kali Dental in Huntington Beach CA are the right solution for you!
Toothaches can stop you from living your life to the fullest and are often a sign of a serious infection. However, you don't need to live with tooth pain. Root canal therapy can provide you with much-needed relief, and restore the health of your tooth. With modern techniques, a root canal is a pain-free procedure and can help save your tooth from extraction, so you can smile with comfort and confidence. If you're experiencing a toothache that won't subside, get in touch with us right away to get the relief you need.
If a missing tooth is leaving a gap in your smile, a partial denture isn't your only option! A dental bridge can cover the space left behind by one, or several, missing teeth. It's permanently attached to your teeth on either side of the gap, so it won't slide around when you eat or speak. Plus, your bridge can be color-matched to blend seamlessly with the rest of your grin. Dental bridges can help keep your teeth from shifting, reducing the risk of bone loss and problems with your bite. Schedule a consultation today to see if a dental bridge can help you complete your smile!
If you're missing one or all of your natural teeth, dentures are a removable, affordable solution that can complete your grin and restore your confidence. Most dentures are made of a combination of acrylic and metal and are custom-crafted for a comfortable fit and natural look. Schedule a consultation to find out if a set of full or partial dentures can restore your bite so you can get back to living your life with a smile.
If you're tired of your dentures slipping and sliding around in your mouth, implant-retained dentures may be right for you! Implant-retained dentures, also called overdentures or snap-on dentures, can replace all of your teeth, just like traditional dentures. However, instead of relying on suction or adhesive, they are secured in place with several dental implants. These removable appliances make it easy to keep up with your oral hygiene, and are made from a combination of acrylic and metal materials for enhanced durability.Schedule a consultation today to find out if implant-retained dentures can help you smile with confidence.
While we will always do everything we can to try and save your natural teeth, sometimes a problematic tooth can be more trouble than it's worth. In certain circumstances, a simple extraction is the best way to get your oral health back on the right path. With gentle techniques, and local anesthesia or sedation, we can quickly and painlessly remove unhealthy teeth to alleviate your discomfort or to make room for dental implants, a bridge, or another type of tooth replacement.
Oral surgery encompasses a wide variety of treatments and procedures, from simple extractions to full mouth reconstructions. Oral surgery can provide a fix for many long-standing dental issues, and prevent problems from becoming worse in the future. If you're experiencing issues with your bite, get in touch with us to schedule a consultation. We'll assess your oral health, and together, come up with a treatment plan that's unique to your needs and lifestyle.